
Les animaux urbains...

... or the wild life in the city...

Oh ! and a good surprise: Astrid did an interview of me here.

9 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

un gros pigeon avec des antennes?
(et bravo!)

Pascale a dit…

@ suzie: ah ah ah ! oui, exactement (et merci ).

Anonyme a dit…

Bien vu !

Anonyme a dit…


kitchu a dit…

i LOVE this shot!

thank you for stopping by my site and for your understanding in such few words. it seems you know how very difficult this has been.

all the best to you. i have always, always, loved visiting you here.

sarapirat a dit…

we can see so many things if we just open our gaze...

Anonyme a dit…

C'est un girafescooter ou un escargscooter? Bien vu;-)

Geoffrey a dit…

The shadow of the beast! Love this one.

Menthe Blanche a dit…

Elle est amusante cette photo ! Pour moi = cerf x escargot !