

Il semble que le soleil cherche à se faire détester.
De quoi regretter le printemps et les premières terrasses...
RDV la semaine prochaine.

It's like if the sun is trying to be hated.
I'll be off (the blog) till monday.

10 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Ces photos sont d'une douceur incroyable.

Anonyme a dit…

C 'est beau !

T C a dit…

C'est joli! That`s a chocolate cake? looks so delicious

between 7 and 9 a dit…

I smile at the little one doing the laundry too :)

3 sous un parapluie a dit…

Une petite aide ménagère ? ..!

[sen.siˈʝes] a dit…

i have always had a thing for clothespeg. so i like this set so much. specially the third pictures is so very cute. hope u had a lovely time and didn't start to hate the sun :)

mir a dit…

Superbes images...Comme d'hab !

helen turnbull a dit…

awesome photography.

Helen, X

kitchu a dit…

such a perfect set of photos.

brigduong a dit…

I love the last photo so much!