
I am

back from Paris.
It was great and the projection was very sweet...
But right now i am too lazy and tired to tell more.

Si fatiguée que je continue en français. J'ai même eu la chance de croiser (mais juste croisé) le Papillon et Dejolilou.
Ah la blogo !



Il semble que le soleil cherche à se faire détester.
De quoi regretter le printemps et les premières terrasses...
RDV la semaine prochaine.

It's like if the sun is trying to be hated.
I'll be off (the blog) till monday.


Ce ne sont pas les marches de Cannes... 
Mais je me rend quand même à un festival.
J'ai le plaisir de vous annoncer la projection d'un documentaire que j'ai réalisé (y'a 10 ans...) à Paris: 

CAS D'ECOLE ou le lycée autogéré de Paris

Jeudi 26 mai à 20h

60 rue des ECOLES
75003 PARIS

Et en plus, j'y serai... (parce qu'après le film, y'a rencontre-débat).
Everybody is welcome évidemment

(euh, ayé, j'ai le trac)...

Hey, my documentary film is showned in Paris this thursday, i'll be there, you're all welcome.


Brunch at JK's apartment.

A late morning, in Berlin, a brunch with Jerome Karsenti, painter and writer, who just published a new book (for french readers), Pupilles de Fourmis.

PS: i want this bench so badly. Thanks.


In Berlin I fall in love every 5 minutes

... with cafes.

(it's the outside of the cafe below)


Coffee and toilets.

In Berlin I met Kristina (and her camera).

So, now I know the meaning of her mystery blog's title and few other things too...

We took a coffee in a cute cafe (I have no pics). Then a strange beer in a huge beautiful place with garden (no pics either, it's Prater). 
We had difficulties to choose a lunch place (shadow-sun ?/salad-saucisse ?). 
We talked a lot about photography and we saw amazing toilets (NO pics). If you haven't read the story yet, hurry up.


In Berlin I've photographed T.

Ces photos sont les premières d'un projet que j'aimerais développer, dont le propos est la féminité.

These pics are the first of a project i'd like to develop.
It is about feminity.

I have troubles using the word "shoot". 
If I write: "I shooted T." I feel like I killed my friend...


In Berlin I've tasted summer.

Last pic by T.R.
T.R is in the first shot. And yes, it's me in the last one...

Sinon, ces photos font parti de celles que j'aurais préféré NON cross-processed...

Edit: Surprise ! About me myself and I, Kristina has posted photos of my bag, my camera and me... and she tells a true funny story about toilets...
(i did'nt know she was publishing her photos today, it's a funny coïncidence).
