

Je touche enfin l'équilibre.
Celui dont j'ai tant entendu parlé.

I am finally touching this state of balance.
The one I've heard so much about.


Le doux défilement.

Et voici un extrait d'une pellicule périmée.
- Plus du tout de temps en ce moment, plus le temps de publier, ni de parcourir vos blogs...-

This is an expired film.
- No time at all right now, no time to publish or to read your blog...-


A train with a view.

A (little) trip between Marseille and Nice in october 2011... This path is beautiful because it's following the coast. So, you have the view on the beach. But the weather was not with us, a little bit like now...

ps: and yes, i only have the film developed now.

pps : so, more black & white to come...



"Toujours et jamais, c'est aussi long l'un que l'autre".
Elsa Triolet